Motor ===== Quart-Mongo uses `Motor `_ for general MongoDB connections. Connection ----------- .. _motor connection: The :attribute:`` will be an instance of :class:`~quart_mongo.wrappers.AsyncIOMotorClient` if the URI was passed to :class:`~quart_mongo.Mongo` or set via the app configuration variable. Refer to `Configuration`_ for additional information. Database -------- .. _motor database: The :attribute:`~quart_mongo.Mongo.db` will be an instance of :class:`~quart_mongo.wrappers.AIOMotorDatabase` if the database name was passed with the URI. If it was not, you will need to set the database manually like so: .. code-block:: python mongo = Mongo(app) mongo.db =['test-database'] # or mongo.db ='test-database') Getting a Collection -------------------- Once the database is setup. You can start finding documents in a collection. You get a collection by calling the :attribute:`~quart_mongo.Mongo.db` in the following manner: .. code-block:: python mongo = Mongo(app) mongo.db =['test-database'] # using dot notation collection = mongo.db.some_collection # or collection = mongo.db['some_collection'] Now you can follow the Motor `documentation `_ for inserting and finding documents. Find One or 404 ---------------- The extension provides a helper function to find a document or it will raise a 404 error. .. automethod:: quart_mongo.wrappers.AIOMotorCollection.find_one_or_404 Send File Helpers ------------------ Two helper functions are provided for sending files from GridFS. They are: .. automethod:: quart_mongo.Mongo.send_file_by_name .. automethod:: quart_mongo.Mongo.send_file_by_id Save File Helper ---------------- A helper function is provided for saving files to GridFS. .. automethod:: quart_mongo.Mongo.save_file