
Add a Mongo to your code:

from quart import Quart
from quart_mongo import Mongo

app = Quart(__name__)
app.config["MONGO_URI"] = "mongodb://localhost:27017/myDatabase"
mongo = Mongo(app)

Mongo connects to the MongoDB server running on port 27017 on localhost, to the database named myDatabase. This database is exposed as the db attribute.

You can use db directly in views:

async def home_page():
    online_users = await mongo.db.users.find({"online": True})
    return await render_template("index.html",


If there is no database name, the db attribute will be None.

If you wish to use Odmantic models to insert, get, update, and delete collections. Then the database will also be exposed as the odm attribute.

You can also use odm directly in views:


If there is no database name, the odm attribute will be None just like ~quart_mongo.Mongo.db.